# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own, # and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'. # NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown, # then please put 'unknown'. # Maintainer: "Array in a Matrix" pkgname=quadratic pkgver=3.4 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Simple cli calculator that computes real and complex roots of a quadratic equation" arch=('x86_64') url="https://git.arrayinamatrix.xyz/array-in-a-matrix/quadratic" license=('GPL3') source=("$url/archive/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") sha512sums=('fa9a076ca67e1bb5717bcf0077e5543cbcdb3d80e91c452523d81272d2dcfdf13c1f1ba3facf4ae46c99d1ec4ee0d093eca1f6d55829a5b285f63a0c77499dbe') build() { cd "$pkgname" make } package() { cd "$pkgname" install -Dm755 quadratic $pkgdir/usr/bin/quadratic install -Dm755 quadratic-tui $pkgdir/usr/bin/quadratic-tui }