2018-07-16 17:00:01 +09:00

182 lines
5.8 KiB

/* nsemu - LGPL - Copyright 2018 rkx1209<rkx1209dev@gmail.com> */
#include "Nsemu.hpp"
#include "IpcStubs.hpp"
void IpcMessage::ParseMessage() {
uint32_t *buf = (uint32_t *) raw_ptr;
type = buf[0] & 0xFFFF;
x_cnt = (buf[0] >> 16) & 0xF;
a_cnt = (buf[0] >> 20) & 0xF;
b_cnt = (buf[0] >> 24) & 0xF;
w_cnt = buf[1] & 0x3FF;
has_c = ((buf[1] >> 10) & 0x3) != 0;
// domainHandle = 0;
// domainCommand = 0;
bool has_hd = (buf[1] >> 31) == 1; //Handle descriptor enabled?
int pos = 2;
if (has_hd) {
uint32_t hd = buf[pos++];
has_pid = hd & 1;
copy_cnt = (hd >> 1) & 0xf;
move_cnt = hd >> 5;
if(has_pid) {
pid = *((uint64_t *) &buf[pos]);
pos += 2;
copy_off = pos * 4;
pos += copy_cnt;
move_off = pos * 4;
pos += move_cnt;
desc_off = pos * 4;
pos += x_cnt * 2;
pos += a_cnt * 3;
pos += b_cnt * 3;
raw_off = pos * 4;
if(pos & 3)
pos += 4 - (pos & 3);
if (is_domainobj && type == 4) {
domain_cmd = buf[pos] & 0xff;
domain_handle = buf[pos + 1];
pos += 4;
payload_off = pos * 4;
cmd_id = GetData<uint32_t>(0);
void IpcMessage::GenBuf(unsigned int _move_cnt, unsigned int _copy_cnt, unsigned int data_bytes) {
move_cnt = _move_cnt;
copy_cnt = _copy_cnt;
uint32_t *obuf = (uint32_t *) raw_ptr;
obuf[0] = 0;
ns_print("is_domain: %u, move: %u, copy: %u, bytes: %u\n", is_domainobj, move_cnt, copy_cnt, data_bytes);
if(move_cnt != 0 || copy_cnt != 0) {
obuf[1] = ((move_cnt != 0 && !is_domainobj) || copy_cnt != 0) ? (1U << 31) : 0;
obuf[2] = (copy_cnt << 1) | ((is_domainobj ? 0 : move_cnt) << 5);
auto pos = 2 + (((move_cnt != 0 && !is_domainobj) || copy_cnt != 0) ? (1 + move_cnt + copy_cnt) : 0);
auto start = pos;
if(pos & 3)
pos += 4 - (pos & 3);
if(is_domainobj) {
obuf[pos] = move_cnt;
pos += 4;
realdata_off = is_domainobj ? move_cnt << 2 : 0;
auto data_words = (realdata_off >> 2) + (data_bytes & 3) ? (data_bytes >> 2) + 1 : (data_bytes >> 2);
obuf[1] |= 4 + (is_domainobj ? 4 : 0) + 4 + data_words;
payload_off = pos * 4;
obuf[pos] = byte_swap32_str("SFCO");
void IpcMessage::SetErrorCode() {
uint32_t *buf = (uint32_t *) raw_ptr;
if (buf) {
buf[(payload_off >> 2) + 2] = error_code;
namespace IPC {
static uint32_t handle_id;
static SmService sm;
std::unordered_map<std::string, IpcService *> services;
bool is_domainobj = false;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, IpcService *> handles;
#define SERVICE(str, iface) do { services[str] = new iface(); } while(0)
void InitIPC() {
//handle_id = 0xde00; // XXX: Magic number?
handle_id = 0xde01; // XXX: Initial thread should have 0xde00 handle in TLS (See. ThreadManager::create in Mephisito)
SERVICE_MAPPING(); // From IpcStubs.hpp
uint32_t NewHandle(IpcService *srv) {
handles[handle_id] = srv;
ns_print("New Handle 0x%x\n",handle_id);
return handle_id++;
uint32_t ConnectToPort(std::string name) {
if (name != "sm:") {
ns_abort("Attempt to connect to unknown service\n");
return NewHandle(&sm);
uint32_t ProcMessage(IpcService *handler, uint8_t buf[]) {
uint8_t obuf[0x100];
memset(obuf, 0, 0x100);
IpcMessage req(buf, is_domainobj);
IpcMessage resp(obuf, is_domainobj);
uint32_t ret = 0xf601;
//#if 0
ns_print("Incoming message\n");
bindump(buf, 0x100);
switch(req.type) {
case 2: //Close
resp.GenBuf(0, 0, 0);
resp.error_code = 0;
ret = 0x25a0b;
case 4: //Normal
ret = handler->Dispatch(&req, &resp);
case 5: //Control
switch(req.cmd_id) {
case 0: // ConvertSessionToDomain
debug_print("IPC: ConvertSessionToDomain\n");
resp.GenBuf(0, 0, 4);
is_domainobj = true;
*resp.GetDataPointer<uint32_t*>(8) = handler->handle;
resp.error_code = 0;
case 2: // DuplicateSession
is_domainobj = false;
resp.GenBuf(1, 0, 0);
resp.SetMove(0, NewHandle(handler));
resp.error_code = 0;
ret = 0;
case 3: // QueryPointerBufferSize
resp.GenBuf(0, 0, 4);
*resp.GetDataPointer<uint32_t *>(8) = 0x500;
resp.error_code = 0;
ret = 0;
case 4: // DuplicateSession
is_domainobj = false;
resp.GenBuf(1, 0, 0);
resp.SetMove(0, NewHandle(handler));
resp.error_code = 0;
ret = 0;
ns_abort("Unknown cmdId to control %u\n", req.cmd_id);
if (ret == 0) {
memcpy (buf, obuf, 0x100);
//#if 0
ns_print("Out message\n");
bindump(buf, 0x100);
return ret;