fpPS4 Temmie's Launcher

Created by TheMitoSan _(Previously known as TemmieHeartz)_, This is a simple launcher created for [fpPS4](https://github.com/red-prig/fpPS4) compatibility layer.

## How to install ### Windows #### Stable Version - Download latest release _(you can get it [here](https://github.com/themitosan/fpPS4-Temmie-s-Launcher/releases))_ - Extract all files on your desired location - Run `Launcher.exe` #### Latest Features (recommended) - [Download / Clone this repo](https://github.com/themitosan/fpPS4-Temmie-s-Launcher/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) - Download [nw.js](https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.70.1/nwjs-sdk-v0.70.1-win-x64.zip) version `0.70.1` - Extract all files from `nw` on `Nwjs` folder - Run `Launcher.bat` If you want to update launcher and have `git` installed, run these commands below: ``` git reset --hard git pull origin main ``` ### Linux [WIP] **WARNING**: Running fpPS4 / Launcher on a Non-Windows OS **isn't the best way / recommended to test / use this software!** The main compatibility layer is being developed to **run only on Windows**. In order to run fpPS4, you will need [Wine](https://www.winehq.org) installed - but be aware that it will result in **less performance with bugs / glitches**. [Click here to know how to install Wine](https://wiki.winehq.org/Download) - [Download / Clone this repo](https://github.com/themitosan/fpPS4-Temmie-s-Launcher/archive/refs/heads/main.zip) - Download [nw.js](https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.70.1/nwjs-sdk-v0.70.1-linux-x64.tar.gz) version `0.70.1` - Extract all files from `nw` on `Nwjs` folder - Open terminal on main project path and run `chmod +x ./Launcher.sh` - To start, run `./Launcher.sh` ### How to import your dumps You can see all required procedures on main [fpPS4 discord server](https://discord.gg/up9qatpX7M). ## External plugins used on this project - [memoryjs](https://github.com/rob--/memoryjs) - created by [Rob--](https://github.com/rob--) - [node-stream-zip](https://github.com/antelle/node-stream-zip) - created by [antelle](https://github.com/antelle) - [TMS.js](https://github.com/themitosan/TMS.js) by [TheMitoSan](https://github.com/themitosan) *(Hi!)* _**IMPORTANT**: This software does not allow you to obtain free PS4 Games / Apps._