######################################################################### ### === Variables === ### In order to update this file with more ease, just update those ### variables below ### nw.js version NWJS_VER="0.87.0" ######################################################################### clear echo echo " #=============================================================#" echo echo " fpPS4 Temmie's Launcher - Install Script" echo " Written by @themitosan" echo echo " IMPORTANT: This script requires internet connection and" echo " curl, tar and unzip packages installed to work!" echo echo " #=============================================================#" echo echo "=== Removing previous files" rm nwjs.tar.gz rm sdl2.zip rm -rf "nwjs-sdk-v$NWJS_VER-linux-x64" rm -rf sdl2 echo Done! echo echo "=== Downloading nwjs" curl https://dl.nwjs.io/v$NWJS_VER/nwjs-sdk-v$NWJS_VER-linux-x64.tar.gz -o nwjs.tar.gz echo Done! echo echo "=== Downloading SDL2" curl -L https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/releases/download/release-2.30.2/SDL2-2.30.2-win32-x64.zip -o sdl2.zip echo Done! echo echo "=== Extracting nwjs" tar -xvzf nwjs.tar.gz echo Done! echo echo "=== Extracting SDL2" unzip -d sdl2 sdl2.zip echo Done! echo echo "=== Prepare nwjs folder" cd Nwjs rm -rf * echo "" > .gitkeep cd .. echo Done! echo echo "=== Checking if Emu folder exists" if ! [ -d Emu ]; then echo "Creating Emu dir..." mkdir Emu fi echo Done! echo echo "=== Moving files" mv -f nwjs-sdk-v$NWJS_VER-linux-x64/* Nwjs/ mv -f sdl2/SDL2.dll Emu/ echo Done! echo echo "=== Removing leftover files / folders" rm nwjs.tar.gz rm sdl2.zip rm -rf nwjs-sdk-v$NWJS_VER-linux-x64 rm -rf sdl2 echo Done! echo echo "=== Updating permissions for running / updating launcher (chmod)" chmod +x launcher.sh chmod +x update.sh chmod +x Nwjs/nw echo Done! echo echo "==== Process Complete! ====" echo '---> In order to start Launcher, run "./launcher.sh"' echo '---> To update, run "./update.sh"' echo echo 'TIP: You can add "launcher.sh" as a non-steam game on your Steam!' echo echo Also - You will need wine to run fpPS4 on non-windows systems! echo The installation process may change depending of which distro you are running. echo read -p "Press [ENTER] to exit"