Derek "Turtle" Roe 8b89df2fdc See long description
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2015-07-01 18:44:21 -05:00

125 lines
3.3 KiB

// register_view.cpp: CEN64D register view (MVC).
// CEN64D: Cycle-Accurate Nintendo 64 Debugger
// Copyright (C) 2015, Tyler J. Stachecki.
// This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
// 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package.
#include "register_view.h"
#include <QBrush>
#include <QColor>
#include <QFont>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QSize>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
RegisterView::RegisterView(const char **registers,
unsigned numRegisters, unsigned octets) : model(numRegisters),
registers(registers), numRegisters(numRegisters), octets(octets) {
unsigned i;
QFont monospacedFont("Courier New");
QFontMetrics metrics(monospacedFont);
fontWidth = metrics.width('0');
fontHeight = metrics.height();
// Find the strlen of the longest mnemonic.
for (longestMnemonic = 0, i = 0; i < numRegisters; i++) {
size_t len = strlen(registers[i]);
if (len > longestMnemonic)
longestMnemonic = len;
// Create the format string.
sprintf(formatstr, " 0x%%.%ullX", octets);
RegisterView::~RegisterView() {
unsigned RegisterView::getMaximumHeight() const {
return fontHeight * numRegisters;
unsigned RegisterView::getMaximumWidth() const {
return 1 + (3 + octets + longestMnemonic) * fontWidth;
RegisterModel& RegisterView::getModel() {
return model;
void RegisterView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
QSize area = maximumViewportSize();
char buf[32];
int i;
unsigned hs = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
unsigned vs = verticalScrollBar()->value();
unsigned hsDW = hs / fontWidth;
unsigned hsMW = hs % fontWidth;
unsigned vsDH = vs / fontHeight;
unsigned vsMH = vs % fontHeight;
// TODO: Fonts don't seem to render exactly
// where we want them, so add a fudge factor.
float fudge = 2.0 / 3.0;
unsigned start = fontHeight * fudge;
QPainter painter(viewport());
QBrush clear = QBrush(Qt::white);
QBrush shaded = QBrush(QColor(0xE8, 0xE8, 0xE8));
// Shade ever other line.
painter.fillRect(0, 0, area.width(), area.height(), clear);
if (vsDH & 0x1)
painter.fillRect(0, 0, area.width(), fontHeight - vsMH, shaded);
for (i = (vsDH & 0x1 ? fontHeight : 0) + fontHeight - vsMH;
i < area.height(); i+= fontHeight * 2) {
painter.fillRect(0, i, area.width(), fontHeight, shaded);
// Draw any values in the range.
unsigned rs = vsDH;
unsigned rf = vs + fontHeight * (numRegisters - rs);
if (rf > numRegisters)
rf = numRegisters;
for (i = -vsMH; i < area.height() && rs < rf; i += fontHeight) {
size_t len = strlen(registers[rs]);
unsigned j;
// Write the mnemonic, pad with spaces to align.
strcpy(buf, registers[rs]);
for (j = len; j < longestMnemonic; j++)
buf[j] = ' ';
// Write the values, draw the string.
sprintf(buf + longestMnemonic, formatstr, model.getIndex(rs++));
painter.drawText(1 - hsMW, start + i, buf + hsDW);
void RegisterView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) {
QSize area = maximumViewportSize();
horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, getMaximumWidth() - area.width());
verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, getMaximumHeight() - area.height());