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2020-03-22 22:54:50 -04:00
// license:BSD-3-Clause
// copyright-holders:Fabio Priuli
#ifndef MAME_BUS_A7800_A78_SLOT_H
#define MAME_BUS_A7800_A78_SLOT_H
#pragma once
#include "softlist_dev.h"
/* PCB */
A78_TYPE0 = 0, // standard 8K/16K/32K games, no bankswitch
A78_TYPE1, // as TYPE0 + POKEY chip on the PCB
A78_TYPE2, // Atari SuperGame pcb (8x16K banks with bankswitch)
A78_TYPE3, // as TYPE1 + POKEY chip on the PCB
A78_TYPE6, // as TYPE1 + RAM IC on the PCB
A78_TYPEA, // Alien Brigade, Crossbow (9x16K banks with diff bankswitch)
A78_TYPE8, // Rescue on Fractalus, as TYPE0 + 2K Mirror RAM IC on the PCB
A78_ABSOLUTE, // F18 Hornet
A78_ACTIVISION, // Double Dragon, Rampage
A78_HSC, // Atari HighScore cart
A78_XB_BOARD, // A7800 Expansion Board (it shall more or less apply to the Expansion Module too, but this is not officially released yet)
A78_XM_BOARD, // A7800 XM Expansion Module (theoretical specs only, since this is not officially released yet)
2021-11-30 19:53:55 -05:00
2020-03-22 22:54:50 -04:00
A78_MEGACART, // Homebrew by CPUWIZ, consists of SuperGame bank up to 512K + 32K RAM banked
A78_VERSABOARD = 0x10, // Homebrew by CPUWIZ, consists of SuperGame bank up to 256K + 32K RAM banked
// VersaBoard variants configured as Type 1/3/A or VersaBoard + POKEY at $0450
A78_TYPE0_POK450 = 0x20,
A78_TYPE1_POK450 = 0x21,
A78_TYPE6_POK450 = 0x24,
A78_TYPEA_POK450 = 0x25,
A78_VERSA_POK450 = 0x30
// ======================> device_a78_cart_interface
class device_a78_cart_interface : public device_slot_card_interface
// construction/destruction
virtual ~device_a78_cart_interface();
// memory accessor
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_04xx) { return 0xff; }
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_10xx) { return 0xff; }
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_30xx) { return 0xff; }
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_40xx) { return 0xff; }
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_04xx) {}
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_10xx) {}
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_30xx) {}
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_40xx) {}
void rom_alloc(uint32_t size, const char *tag);
void ram_alloc(uint32_t size);
void nvram_alloc(uint32_t size);
uint8_t* get_rom_base() { return m_rom; }
uint8_t* get_ram_base() { return &m_ram[0]; }
uint8_t* get_nvram_base() { return &m_nvram[0]; }
uint32_t get_rom_size() { return m_rom_size; }
uint32_t get_ram_size() { return m_ram.size(); }
uint32_t get_nvram_size() { return m_nvram.size(); }
device_a78_cart_interface(const machine_config &mconfig, device_t &device);
// internal state
uint8_t *m_rom;
uint32_t m_rom_size;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_ram;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_nvram; // HiScore cart can save scores!
// helpers
uint32_t m_base_rom;
int m_bank_mask;
// ======================> a78_cart_slot_device
class a78_cart_slot_device : public device_t,
public device_image_interface,
public device_slot_interface
// construction/destruction
a78_cart_slot_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock);
virtual ~a78_cart_slot_device();
// device-level overrides
virtual void device_start() override;
// image-level overrides
virtual image_init_result call_load() override;
virtual void call_unload() override;
virtual const software_list_loader &get_software_list_loader() const override { return rom_software_list_loader::instance(); }
int get_cart_type() { return m_type; };
bool has_cart() { return m_cart != nullptr; }
virtual iodevice_t image_type() const override { return IO_CARTSLOT; }
virtual bool is_readable() const override { return 1; }
virtual bool is_writeable() const override { return 0; }
virtual bool is_creatable() const override { return 0; }
virtual bool must_be_loaded() const override { return 0; }
virtual bool is_reset_on_load() const override { return 1; }
virtual const char *image_interface() const override { return "a7800_cart"; }
virtual const char *file_extensions() const override { return "bin,a78"; }
virtual u32 unhashed_header_length() const override { return 128; }
// slot interface overrides
virtual std::string get_default_card_software(get_default_card_software_hook &hook) const override;
// reading and writing
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_04xx);
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_10xx);
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_30xx);
virtual DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(read_40xx);
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_04xx);
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_10xx);
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_30xx);
virtual DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(write_40xx);
device_a78_cart_interface* m_cart;
int m_type;
image_verify_result verify_header(char *header);
int validate_header(int head, bool log) const;
void internal_header_logging(uint8_t *header, uint32_t len);
// device type definition
DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(A78_CART_SLOT, a78_cart_slot_device)
#define A78SLOT_ROM_REGION_TAG ":cart:rom"
#define MCFG_A78_CARTRIDGE_ADD(_tag,_slot_intf,_def_slot) \
MCFG_DEVICE_SLOT_INTERFACE(_slot_intf, _def_slot, false)
#endif // MAME_BUS_A7800_A78_SLOT_H