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2019-04-25 07:26:42 -04:00
//classes for profiling
#ifndef _PROF_
#define _PROF_
#include "uutimer.h"
unsigned gettime(); //gets the current time in milliseconds
//maintains a count of events
class profcounter
unsigned cnt; //current count
unsigned lastcnt;
float rate; //rate of increase/sec
float divisor;
void clear() {cnt=0; lastcnt=0;}
profcounter(float _divisor):divisor(_divisor) {clear();}
profcounter():divisor(1.0) {clear();}
inline void inc() {cnt++;} //increment counter
inline void add(unsigned num) {cnt+=num;} //increment counter by num
void update(float dt) //update rate over dt (dt is in secs)
{rate=((float)(cnt-lastcnt))/dt/divisor; lastcnt=cnt;}
float getrate() {return rate;}
unsigned getcnt() {return cnt;}
void draw(char *desc,int x,int y);
//times the duration of events
class proftimer:public profcounter
unsigned entertime;
proftimer():profcounter(10.0) {}
//enters/leaves a section
inline void enter() {entertime=gettime();}
inline void leave() {add(gettime()-entertime);}
void draw(char *desc,int x,int y);
void drawmeter(char *desc,int x,int y,byte c);
//profcounters used in this app
struct anesprofile
uutimer updatetimer;
profcounter tiles; //tiles drawn per second
profcounter cycles; //cycles per second
profcounter frames; //frames per second
profcounter vframes; //vframes per second
proftimer cpu_timer;
proftimer nesdraw_timer;
proftimer gui_timer;
proftimer input_timer;
proftimer pageflip_timer;
proftimer pageclear_timer;
proftimer sound_timer;
void update();
void draw(int x,int y);
extern anesprofile pf;