Sour a22302134d GBC: Improved IO port behavior
Fixes unused_hwio-C test, and allows aevilia to run
2020-07-03 00:39:11 -04:00

395 lines
5.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SnesMemoryType.h"
struct GbCpuState
uint16_t PC;
uint16_t SP;
uint8_t A;
uint8_t Flags;
uint8_t B;
uint8_t C;
uint8_t D;
uint8_t E;
uint8_t H;
uint8_t L;
bool EiPending;
bool IME;
bool Halted;
namespace GbCpuFlags
enum GbCpuFlags
Zero = 0x80,
AddSub = 0x40,
HalfCarry = 0x20,
Carry = 0x10
namespace GbIrqSource
enum GbIrqSource
VerticalBlank = 0x01,
LcdStat = 0x02,
Timer = 0x04,
Serial = 0x08,
Joypad = 0x10
class Register16
uint8_t* _low;
uint8_t* _high;
Register16(uint8_t* high, uint8_t* low)
_high = high;
_low = low;
uint16_t Read()
return (*_high << 8) | *_low;
void Write(uint16_t value)
*_high = (uint8_t)(value >> 8);
*_low = (uint8_t)value;
void Inc()
Write(Read() + 1);
void Dec()
Write(Read() - 1);
operator uint16_t() { return Read(); }
enum class PpuMode
namespace GbPpuStatusFlags
enum GbPpuStatusFlags
CoincidenceIrq = 0x40,
OamIrq = 0x20,
VBlankIrq = 0x10,
HBlankIrq = 0x08
enum class EvtColor
HBlank = 0,
VBlank = 1,
OamEvaluation = 2,
RenderingIdle = 3,
RenderingBgLoad = 4,
RenderingOamLoad = 5,
LcdColor = 6,
struct GbFifoEntry
uint8_t Color;
uint8_t Attributes;
struct GbPpuFifo
uint8_t Position = 0;
uint8_t Size = 0;
GbFifoEntry Content[8] = {};
void Reset()
Size = 0;
Position = 0;
memset(Content, 0, sizeof(Content));
void Pop()
Content[Position].Color = 0;
Position = (Position + 1) & 0x07;
struct GbPpuFetcher
uint16_t Addr = 0;
uint8_t Attributes = 0;
uint8_t Step = 0;
uint8_t LowByte = 0;
uint8_t HighByte = 0;
struct GbPpuState
uint8_t Scanline;
uint16_t Cycle;
uint16_t IdleCycles;
PpuMode Mode;
PpuMode IrqMode;
bool StatIrqFlag;
uint8_t Ly;
int16_t LyForCompare;
uint8_t LyCompare;
bool LyCoincidenceFlag;
uint8_t BgPalette;
uint8_t ObjPalette0;
uint8_t ObjPalette1;
uint8_t ScrollX;
uint8_t ScrollY;
uint8_t WindowX;
uint8_t WindowY;
uint8_t Control;
bool LcdEnabled;
bool WindowTilemapSelect;
bool WindowEnabled;
bool BgTileSelect;
bool BgTilemapSelect;
bool LargeSprites;
bool SpritesEnabled;
bool BgEnabled;
uint8_t Status;
uint32_t FrameCount;
bool CgbEnabled;
uint8_t CgbVramBank;
uint8_t CgbBgPalPosition;
bool CgbBgPalAutoInc;
uint16_t CgbBgPalettes[4 * 8];
uint8_t CgbObjPalPosition;
bool CgbObjPalAutoInc;
uint16_t CgbObjPalettes[4 * 8];
struct GbDmaControllerState
uint8_t OamDmaSource;
uint8_t DmaStartDelay;
uint8_t InternalDest;
uint8_t DmaCounter;
uint8_t DmaReadBuffer;
uint16_t CgbDmaSource;
uint16_t CgbDmaDest;
uint8_t CgbDmaLength;
bool CgbHdmaDone;
bool CgbHdmaRunning;
struct GbTimerState
uint16_t Divider;
bool NeedReload; //Set after TIMA (_counter) overflowed, next cycle will reload TMA into TIMA
bool Reloaded; //Set during the cycle on which TIMA is reloaded (affects TMA/TIMA writes)
uint8_t Counter;
uint8_t Modulo;
uint8_t Control;
bool TimerEnabled;
uint16_t TimerDivider;
struct GbSquareState
uint16_t SweepPeriod;
bool SweepNegate;
uint8_t SweepShift;
uint16_t SweepTimer;
bool SweepEnabled;
uint16_t SweepFreq;
uint8_t Volume;
uint8_t EnvVolume;
bool EnvRaiseVolume;
uint8_t EnvPeriod;
uint8_t EnvTimer;
bool EnvStopped;
uint8_t Duty;
uint16_t Frequency;
uint8_t Length;
bool LengthEnabled;
bool Enabled;
uint16_t Timer;
uint8_t DutyPos;
uint8_t Output;
struct GbNoiseState
uint8_t Volume;
uint8_t EnvVolume;
bool EnvRaiseVolume;
uint8_t EnvPeriod;
uint8_t EnvTimer;
uint8_t Length;
bool LengthEnabled;
uint16_t ShiftRegister;
uint8_t PeriodShift;
uint8_t Divisor;
bool ShortWidthMode;
bool Enabled;
uint32_t Timer;
uint8_t Output;
struct GbWaveState
bool DacEnabled;
uint8_t SampleBuffer;
uint8_t Ram[0x10];
uint8_t Position;
uint8_t Volume;
uint16_t Frequency;
uint16_t Length;
bool LengthEnabled;
bool Enabled;
uint16_t Timer;
uint8_t Output;
struct GbApuState
bool ApuEnabled;
uint8_t EnableLeftSq1;
uint8_t EnableLeftSq2;
uint8_t EnableLeftWave;
uint8_t EnableLeftNoise;
uint8_t EnableRightSq1;
uint8_t EnableRightSq2;
uint8_t EnableRightWave;
uint8_t EnableRightNoise;
uint8_t LeftVolume;
uint8_t RightVolume;
bool ExtAudioLeftEnabled;
bool ExtAudioRightEnabled;
uint8_t FrameSequenceStep;
struct GbApuDebugState
GbApuState Common;
GbSquareState Square1;
GbSquareState Square2;
GbWaveState Wave;
GbNoiseState Noise;
enum class RegisterAccess
None = 0,
Read = 1,
Write = 2,
ReadWrite = 3
enum class GbMemoryType
None = 0,
PrgRom = (int)SnesMemoryType::GbPrgRom,
WorkRam = (int)SnesMemoryType::GbWorkRam,
CartRam = (int)SnesMemoryType::GbCartRam,
BootRom = (int)SnesMemoryType::GbBootRom,
struct GbMemoryManagerState
uint64_t CycleCount;
uint64_t ApuCycleCount;
uint8_t CgbWorkRamBank;
bool CgbSwitchSpeedRequest;
bool CgbHighSpeed;
uint8_t CgbRegFF72;
uint8_t CgbRegFF73;
uint8_t CgbRegFF74;
uint8_t CgbRegFF75;
bool DisableBootRom;
uint8_t IrqRequests;
uint8_t IrqEnabled;
uint8_t InputSelect;
uint8_t SerialData;
uint8_t SerialControl;
uint8_t SerialBitCount;
bool IsReadRegister[0x100];
bool IsWriteRegister[0x100];
GbMemoryType MemoryType[0x100];
uint32_t MemoryOffset[0x100];
RegisterAccess MemoryAccessType[0x100];
enum class GbType
Gb = 0,
Cgb = 1,
struct GbState
GbType Type;
GbCpuState Cpu;
GbPpuState Ppu;
GbApuDebugState Apu;
GbMemoryManagerState MemoryManager;
GbTimerState Timer;
GbDmaControllerState Dma;
bool HasBattery;