
673 lines
21 KiB

#include "Ctu.h"
#define IX0 (ctu->cpu.reg(0))
#define IX1 (ctu->cpu.reg(1))
#define IX2 (ctu->cpu.reg(2))
#define IX3 (ctu->cpu.reg(3))
#define IX4 (ctu->cpu.reg(4))
#define IX5 (ctu->cpu.reg(5))
#define registerSvc(num, func, ...) do { \
ctu->cpu.registerSvcHandler((num), [&] { \
(func)(__VA_ARGS__); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define registerSvc_ret_X0_X1_X2(num, func, ...) do { \
ctu->cpu.registerSvcHandler((num), [&] { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
auto [_0, _1, _2] = (func)(__VA_ARGS__); \
if(ctu->tm.switched) { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
return; \
} \
ctu->cpu.reg(0, _0); \
ctu->cpu.reg(1, _1); \
ctu->cpu.reg(2, _2); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define registerSvc_ret_X0(num, func, ...) do { \
ctu->cpu.registerSvcHandler((num), [&] { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
auto v = (func)(__VA_ARGS__); \
if(ctu->tm.switched) { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
return; \
} \
ctu->cpu.reg(0, v); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define registerSvc_ret_X1(num, func, ...) do { \
ctu->cpu.registerSvcHandler((num), [&] { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
auto v = (func)(__VA_ARGS__); \
if(ctu->tm.switched) { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
return; \
} \
ctu->cpu.reg(1, v); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define registerSvc_ret_X0_X1(num, func, ...) do { \
ctu->cpu.registerSvcHandler((num), [&] { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
auto [_0, _1] = (func)(__VA_ARGS__); \
if(ctu->tm.switched) { \
ctu->tm.switched = false; \
return; \
} \
ctu->cpu.reg(0, _0); \
ctu->cpu.reg(1, _1); \
}); \
} while(0)
#define UNIMPLEMENTED(svc) do { LOG_ERROR(Svc[svc], "!Unimplemented!"); } while(0)
Svc::Svc(Ctu *_ctu) : ctu(_ctu) {
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x01, SetHeapSize, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x03, SetMemoryAttribute, IX0, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x04, MirrorStack, IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x05, UnmapMemory, IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x06, QueryMemory, IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc( 0x07, ExitProcess, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x08, CreateThread, IX1, IX2, IX3, IX4, IX5);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x09, StartThread, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc( 0x0A, ExitThread);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x0B, SleepThread, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x0C, GetThreadPriority, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x0D, SetThreadPriority, (ghandle) IX0, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1_X2( 0x0E, GetThreadCoreMask, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x0F, SetThreadCoreMask, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x10, GetCurrentProcessorNumber, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x11, SignalEvent, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x12, ClearEvent, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x13, MapMemoryBlock, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x15, CreateTransferMemory, IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x16, CloseHandle, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x17, ResetSignal, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x18, WaitSynchronization, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x19, CancelSynchronization, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x1A, LockMutex, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, (ghandle) IX2);
registerSvc( 0x1B, UnlockMutex, IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x1C, WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic, IX0, IX1, (ghandle) IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x1D, SignalProcessWideKey, IX0, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x1F, ConnectToPort, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x21, SendSyncRequest, (ghandle) IX0);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x22, SendSyncRequestEx, IX0, IX1, (ghandle) IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x24, GetProcessID, (ghandle) IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x25, GetThreadId);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x26, Break, IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x27, OutputDebugString, IX0, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x29, GetInfo, IX1, (ghandle) IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1_X2( 0x40, CreateSession, (ghandle) IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x41, AcceptSession, (ghandle) IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x43, ReplyAndReceive, IX1, IX2, (ghandle) IX3, IX4);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1_X2( 0x45, CreateEvent, (ghandle) IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x4E, ReadWriteRegister, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x50, CreateMemoryBlock, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x51, MapTransferMemory, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x52, UnmapTransferMemory, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x53, CreateInterruptEvent, IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x55, QueryIoMapping, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0_X1( 0x56, CreateDeviceAddressSpace, IX1, IX2);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x57, AttachDeviceAddressSpace, IX0, (ghandle) IX1);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x59, MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce, (ghandle) IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2, IX3, IX4, IX5);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x5c, UnmapDeviceAddressSpace, IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2, IX3, IX4);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x74, MapProcessMemory, IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x75, UnmapProcessMemory, IX0, (ghandle) IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x77, MapProcessCodeMemory, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, IX2, IX3);
registerSvc_ret_X0( 0x78, UnmapProcessCodeMemory, (ghandle) IX0, IX1, IX2, IX3);
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::SetHeapSize(guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x01], "SetHeapSize 0x" LONGFMT, size);
if (ctu->heapsize < size) {
ctu-> + ctu->heapsize, size - ctu->heapsize);
} else if (ctu->heapsize > size) {
ctu->cpu.unmap(0xaa0000000 + size, ctu->heapsize - size);
ctu->heapsize = size;
return make_tuple(0, 0xaa0000000);
guint Svc::SetMemoryAttribute(gptr addr, guint size, guint state0, guint state1) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x03], "SetMemoryAttribute 0x" ADDRFMT " 0x" LONGFMT " -> 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT, addr, size, state0, state1);
return 0;
guint Svc::MirrorStack(gptr dest, gptr src, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x04], "MirrorStack 0x" ADDRFMT " 0x" ADDRFMT " - 0x" LONGFMT, dest, src, size);
ctu->, size);
auto temp = new uint8_t[size];
ctu->cpu.readmem(src, temp, size);
ctu->cpu.writemem(dest, temp, size);
delete[] temp;
return 0;
guint Svc::UnmapMemory(gptr dest, gptr src, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x05], "UnmapMemory 0x" ADDRFMT " 0x" ADDRFMT " - 0x" LONGFMT, dest, src, size);
ctu->cpu.unmap(dest, size);
return 0;
typedef struct {
gptr begin;
gptr size;
gptr perms;
guint cperm;
} MemInfo;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::QueryMemory(gptr meminfo, gptr pageinfo, gptr addr) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x06], "QueryMemory 0x" ADDRFMT, addr);
for(auto [begin, end, perm] : ctu->cpu.regions()) {
if(begin <= addr && addr <= end) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x06], "Found region at 0x" ADDRFMT "-0x" ADDRFMT, begin, end);
MemInfo minfo;
minfo.begin = begin;
minfo.size = end - begin + 1;
minfo.perms = perm == -1 ? 0 : 3; // FREE or CODE
minfo.cperm = 0;
if(perm != -1) {
auto offset = *ctu->cpu.guestptr<uint32_t>(begin + 4);
if(begin + offset + 4 < end && *ctu->cpu.guestptr<uint32_t>(begin + offset) == FOURCC('M', 'O', 'D', '0'))
minfo.cperm = 5;
minfo.cperm = 3;
ctu->cpu.guestptr<MemInfo>(meminfo) = minfo;
return make_tuple(0, 0);
// the nintendo svc probably doesn't take an exitCode,
// but this makes it easier to return values from
// libtransistor tests.
void Svc::ExitProcess(guint exitCode) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x07], "ExitProcess");
exit((int) exitCode);
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::CreateThread(guint pc, guint x0, guint sp, guint prio, guint proc) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x08], "CreateThread pc=0x" LONGFMT " X0=0x" LONGFMT " SP=0x" LONGFMT, pc, x0, sp);
auto thread = ctu->tm.create(pc, sp);
thread->regs.X0 = x0;
return make_tuple(0, thread->handle);
guint Svc::StartThread(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x09], "StartThread 0x%x", handle);
auto thread = ctu->getHandle<Thread>(handle);
return 0;
void Svc::ExitThread() {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0A], "ExitThread");
guint Svc::SleepThread(guint ns) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0B], "SleepThread 0x" LONGFMT " ns", ns);
auto thread = ctu->tm.current();
// Yield, at least.
thread->suspend([=] {
thread->resume([=] {
thread->regs.X0 = 0;
return 0;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::GetThreadPriority(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0C], "GetThreadPriority 0x%x", handle);
return make_tuple(0, 0);
guint Svc::SetThreadPriority(ghandle handle, guint priority) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0D], "SetThreadPriority 0x%x -> 0x" LONGFMT, handle, priority);
return 0;
tuple<guint, guint, guint> Svc::GetThreadCoreMask(guint tmp) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0E], "GetThreadCoreMask");
return make_tuple(0, 0xFF, 0xFF);
guint Svc::SetThreadCoreMask(guint tmp) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x0F], "GetThreadCoreMask");
return 0;
guint Svc::GetCurrentProcessorNumber(guint tmp) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x10], "GetCurrentProcessorNumber");
return 0;
guint Svc::SignalEvent(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x11], "SignalEvent 0x%x", handle);
return 0;
guint Svc::ClearEvent(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x12], "ClearEvent 0x%x", handle);
return 0;
guint Svc::MapMemoryBlock(ghandle handle, gptr addr, guint size, guint perm) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x13], "MapMemoryBlock 0x%x 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT, handle, addr, size, perm);
auto obj = ctu->getHandle<MemoryBlock>(handle);
assert(obj->size == size);
assert(obj->addr == 0);
ctu->, size);
obj->addr = addr;
return 0;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::CreateTransferMemory(gptr addr, guint size, guint perm) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x15], "CreateTransferMemory 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT, addr, size, perm);
auto tm = make_shared<MemoryBlock>(size, perm);
tm->addr = addr;
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(tm));
guint Svc::CloseHandle(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x16], "CloseHandle 0x%x", handle);
return 0;
guint Svc::ResetSignal(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x17], "ResetSignal 0x%x", handle);
return 0;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::WaitSynchronization(gptr handles, guint numHandles, guint timeout) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x18], "WaitSynchronization %u", (uint) numHandles);
auto thread = ctu->tm.current();
thread->suspend([=] {
auto triggered = make_shared<bool>(false);
auto cb = [=](int i, bool canceled) {
return -1;
*triggered = true;
thread->resume([=] {
if(canceled) {
thread->regs.X0 = 0xec01;
thread->regs.X1 = 0;
} else {
thread->regs.X0 = 0;
thread->regs.X1 = i;
return 1;
auto hdls = ctu->cpu.guestptr<ghandle>(handles);
for(auto i = 0; i < numHandles; ++i) {
auto hnd = ctu->getHandle<Waitable>(hdls[i]);
auto port = dynamic_pointer_cast<NPort>(hnd);
if(port != nullptr)
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x18], "Waiting on port %s", port->name.c_str());
hnd->wait([=](auto canceled) { return cb(i, canceled); });
return make_tuple(0, 0);
guint Svc::CancelSynchronization(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x19], "CancelSynchronization 0x%x", handle);
return 0;
shared_ptr<Mutex> Svc::ensureMutex(gptr mutexAddr) {
if(mutexes.find(mutexAddr) == mutexes.end()) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc, "Making new mutex for 0x" LONGFMT, mutexAddr);
mutexes[mutexAddr] = make_shared<Mutex>(ctu->cpu.guestptr<uint32_t>(mutexAddr));
return mutexes[mutexAddr];
guint Svc::LockMutex(ghandle curthread, gptr mutexAddr, ghandle reqthread) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1A], "LockMutex 0x%x 0x" LONGFMT " 0x%x", curthread, mutexAddr, reqthread);
auto mutex = ensureMutex(mutexAddr);
auto owner = mutex->owner();
auto thread = ctu->getHandle<Thread>(reqthread);
if(owner != 0 && owner != reqthread) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1A], "Could not get mutex lock. Waiting.");
thread->suspend([=] {
mutex->wait([=] {
if(mutex->owner() == 0) {
thread->resume([=] {
thread->regs.X0 = 0;
return 1;
} else
return 0;
} else {
if(!thread->active) {
thread->regs.X0 = 0;
return 0;
void Svc::UnlockMutex(gptr mutexAddr) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1B], "UnlockMutex 0x" ADDRFMT, mutexAddr);
auto mutex = ensureMutex(mutexAddr);
auto owner = mutex->owner();
assert(owner == 0 || owner == ctu->tm.current()->handle);
shared_ptr<Semaphore> Svc::ensureSemaphore(gptr semaAddr) {
if(semaphores.find(semaAddr) == semaphores.end()) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc, "Making new semaphore for 0x" LONGFMT, semaAddr);
semaphores[semaAddr] = make_shared<Semaphore>(ctu->cpu.guestptr<uint32_t>(semaAddr));
return semaphores[semaAddr];
guint Svc::WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic(gptr mutexAddr, gptr semaAddr, ghandle threadHandle, guint timeout) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1C], "WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT " 0x%x 0x" LONGFMT, mutexAddr, semaAddr, threadHandle, timeout);
auto mutex = ensureMutex(mutexAddr);
auto semaphore = ensureSemaphore(semaAddr);
assert(mutex->owner() == threadHandle);
if(semaphore->value() > 0) {
return 0;
auto thread = ctu->getHandle<Thread>(threadHandle);
thread->suspend([=] {
semaphore->wait([=] {
thread->resume([=] {
thread->regs.X0 = LockMutex(0, mutexAddr, threadHandle);
return 1;
return 0;
guint Svc::SignalProcessWideKey(gptr semaAddr, guint target) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1D], "SignalProcessWideKey 0x" LONGFMT " 0x" LONGFMT, semaAddr, target);
auto semaphore = ensureSemaphore(semaAddr);
if(target == 1)
else if(target == 0xffffffff)
return 0;
tuple<guint, ghandle> Svc::ConnectToPort(guint name) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x1F], "ConnectToPort");
return make_tuple(0, ctu->ipc.ConnectToPort(ctu->cpu.readstring(name)));
guint Svc::SendSyncRequest(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x21], "SendSyncRequest 0x%x", handle);
auto thread = ctu->tm.current();
auto hnd = ctu->getHandle<IPipe>(handle);
auto buf = make_shared<array<uint8_t, 0x100>>();
ctu->cpu.readmem(thread->tlsBase, buf->data(), 0x100);
if(hnd->isAsync()) {
thread->suspend([=] {
hnd->messageAsync(buf, [=](auto res, auto close) {
ctu->cpu.writemem(thread->tlsBase, buf->data(), 0x100);
thread->resume([=] {
thread->regs.X0 = res;
return 0;
} else {
auto close = false;
auto ret = hnd->messageSync(buf, close);
ctu->cpu.writemem(thread->tlsBase, buf->data(), 0x100);
return ret;
guint Svc::SendSyncRequestEx(gptr buf, guint size, ghandle handle) {
LOG_ERROR(Svc[0x22], "SendSyncRequestEx not implemented");
return 0xf601;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::GetProcessID(ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x24], "GetProcessID 0x%x", handle);
return make_tuple(0, 0);
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::GetThreadId() {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x25], "GetThreadId");
return make_tuple(0, ctu->tm.current()->id);
guint Svc::Break(guint X0, guint X1, guint info) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x26], "Break");
guint Svc::OutputDebugString(guint ptr, guint size) {
//LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x27], "OutputDebugString addr=" ADDRFMT " size=" LONGFMT, ptr, size);
if(size > 0x2000) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x27], "Debug string is bigger than 0x2000 bytes. Something probably went wrong.");
char *debugStr = (char*) malloc(size + 1);
memset(debugStr, 0, size+1);
if(ctu->cpu.readmem(ptr, debugStr, size)) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x27], "Debug String: %s", debugStr);
} else {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x27], "Could not access memory at " ADDRFMT, ptr);
return 0;
#define matchone(a, v) do { if(id1 == (a)) return make_tuple(0, (v)); } while(0)
#define matchpair(a, b, v) do { if(id1 == (a) && id2 == (b)) return make_tuple(0, (v)); } while(0)
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::GetInfo(guint id1, ghandle handle, guint id2) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x29], "GetInfo handle=0x%x id1=0x" LONGFMT " id2=" LONGFMT, handle, id1, id2);
matchpair(0, 0, 0xF);
matchpair(1, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000);
matchpair(2, 0, 0x7100000000);
matchpair(3, 0, 0x1000000000);
matchpair(4, 0, 0xaa0000000);
matchpair(5, 0, ctu->heapsize); // Heap region size
matchpair(6, 0, 0x400000);
matchpair(7, 0, 0x10000);
matchpair(12, 0, 0x8000000);
matchpair(13, 0, 0x7ff8000000);
matchpair(14, 0, ctu->loadbase);
matchpair(15, 0, ctu->loadsize);
matchpair(18, 0, 0x0100000000000036); // Title ID
matchone(11, 0);
LOG_ERROR(Svc[0x29], "Unknown getinfo");
tuple<guint, guint, guint> Svc::CreateSession(ghandle clientOut, ghandle serverOut, guint unk) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x40], "CreateSession");
auto pipe = make_shared<NPipe>(ctu, "Session");
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(pipe), ctu->newHandle(pipe));
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::AcceptSession(ghandle hnd) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x41], "AcceptSession 0x%x", hnd);
auto pipe = ctu->getHandle<NPort>(hnd)->accept();
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(pipe));
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::ReplyAndReceive(gptr handles, guint numHandles, ghandle replySession, guint timeout) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x43], "ReplyAndReceive");
auto thread = ctu->tm.current();
if(replySession != 0) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x43], "Sending message back from native service");
auto hnd = ctu->getHandle<NPipe>(replySession);
auto buf = make_shared<array<uint8_t, 0x100>>();
ctu->cpu.readmem(thread->tlsBase, buf->data(), 0x100);
if(numHandles == 0)
return make_tuple(0xf601, 0);
assert(numHandles == 1);
auto handle = *ctu->cpu.guestptr<ghandle>(handles);
auto hnd = ctu->getHandle<NPipe>(handle);
auto buf = hnd->server.pop();
if(buf == nullptr) {
return make_tuple(0xf601, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x43], "Got message for native service");
ctu->cpu.writemem(thread->tlsBase, buf->data(), 0x100);
return make_tuple(0, 0);
tuple<guint, guint, guint> Svc::CreateEvent(ghandle clientOut, ghandle serverOut, guint unk) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x45], "CreateEvent");
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(make_shared<Waitable>()), ctu->newHandle(make_shared<Waitable>()));
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::ReadWriteRegister(guint reg, guint rwm, guint val) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x4E], "ReadWriteRegister reg=" ADDRFMT " rwm=" LONGFMT " val=" LONGFMT, reg, rwm, val);
return make_tuple(0, 0);
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::CreateMemoryBlock(guint size, guint perm) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x50], "CreateMemoryBlock");
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(make_shared<MemoryBlock>(size, perm)));
guint Svc::MapTransferMemory(ghandle handle, gptr addr, guint size, guint perm) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x51], "MapTransferMemory");
ctu->, size);
return 0;
guint Svc::UnmapTransferMemory(ghandle handle, gptr addr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x52], "UnmapTransferMemory");
ctu->cpu.unmap(addr, size);
return 0;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::CreateInterruptEvent(guint irq) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x53], "CreateInterruptEvent irq=" LONGFMT, irq);
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(make_shared<InstantWaitable>()));
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::QueryIoMapping(gptr physaddr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x55], "QueryIoMapping " ADDRFMT " size " LONGFMT, physaddr, size);
gptr addr = ctu->mmiohandler.getVirtualAddressFromAddr(physaddr);
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x55], ADDRFMT, addr);
if(addr == 0x0) { // force exit for now
cout << "!Unknown physical address!" << endl;
return make_tuple(0x0, addr);
class DeviceMemory : public KObject {
DeviceMemory(gptr _start, gptr _end) : start(_start), end(_end) {
gptr start, end;
list<guint> devices;
tuple<guint, guint> Svc::CreateDeviceAddressSpace(gptr start, gptr end) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x56], "CreateDeviceAddressSpace start=" ADDRFMT " end=" ADDRFMT, start, end);
auto obj = make_shared<DeviceMemory>(start, end);
return make_tuple(0, ctu->newHandle(obj));
guint Svc::AttachDeviceAddressSpace(guint dev, ghandle handle) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x57], "AttachDeviceAddressSpace dev=" LONGFMT " handle=%x", dev, handle);
auto obj = ctu->getHandle<DeviceMemory>(handle);
return 0;
guint Svc::MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce(ghandle handle, ghandle phandle, gptr vaddr, guint size, gptr saddr, guint perm) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x59], "MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce handle=%x phandle=%x vaddr=" ADDRFMT " size=" LONGFMT " saddr=" ADDRFMT " perm=" LONGFMT, handle, phandle, vaddr, size, saddr, perm);
return 0;
guint Svc::UnmapDeviceAddressSpace(guint unk0, ghandle phandle, gptr maddr, guint size, gptr paddr) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x5c], "UnmapDeviceAddressSpace");
return 0;
guint Svc::MapProcessMemory(gptr dstaddr, ghandle handle, gptr srcaddr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x74], "MapProcessMemory");
ctu->, size);
char *mem = (char *) malloc(size);
memset(mem, 0, size);
ctu->cpu.readmem(srcaddr, mem, size);
ctu->cpu.writemem(dstaddr, mem, size);
return 0;
guint Svc::UnmapProcessMemory(gptr dstaddr, ghandle handle, gptr srcaddr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x75], "UnmapProcessMemory");
ctu->cpu.unmap(dstaddr, size);
return 0;
guint Svc::MapProcessCodeMemory(ghandle handle, gptr dstaddr, gptr srcaddr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x77], "MapProcessCodeMemory");
ctu->, size);
return 0;
guint Svc::UnmapProcessCodeMemory(ghandle handle, gptr dstaddr, gptr srcaddr, guint size) {
LOG_DEBUG(Svc[0x78], "UnmapProcessCodeMemory");
ctu->cpu.unmap(dstaddr, size);
return 0;