2014-06-24 22:34:22 +08:00

358 lines
7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#define SCREEN_SIZE_1X 0
#define SCREEN_SIZE_2X 1
#define SCREEN_SIZE_4X 2
#define SCREEN_SIZE_XX 3
#define CONT_CAP_RATE 5
#define BG_PATTERN_SIZE 8192
#define SP_PATTERN_SIZE 1024
struct rawPattern{
Uint32 pixStrip1;
Uint32 pixStrip2;
Uint32 pixStrip3;
Uint32 pixStrip4;
struct scale1Pattern{
Uint32 pixel0;
Uint32 pixel1;
Uint32 pixel2;
Uint32 pixel3;
Uint32 pixel4;
Uint32 pixel5;
Uint32 pixel6;
Uint32 pixel7;
struct scale2Pattern{
Uint32 pixel0;
Uint32 pixel1;
Uint32 pixel2;
Uint32 pixel3;
Uint32 pixel4;
Uint32 pixel5;
Uint32 pixel6;
Uint32 pixel7;
Uint32 pixel8;
Uint32 pixel9;
Uint32 pixel10;
Uint32 pixel11;
Uint32 pixel12;
Uint32 pixel13;
Uint32 pixel14;
Uint32 pixel15;
struct scale4Pattern{
Uint32 pixel0;
Uint32 pixel1;
Uint32 pixel2;
Uint32 pixel3;
Uint32 pixel4;
Uint32 pixel5;
Uint32 pixel6;
Uint32 pixel7;
Uint32 pixel8;
Uint32 pixel9;
Uint32 pixel10;
Uint32 pixel11;
Uint32 pixel12;
Uint32 pixel13;
Uint32 pixel14;
Uint32 pixel15;
Uint32 pixel16;
Uint32 pixel17;
Uint32 pixel18;
Uint32 pixel19;
Uint32 pixel20;
Uint32 pixel21;
Uint32 pixel22;
Uint32 pixel23;
Uint32 pixel24;
Uint32 pixel25;
Uint32 pixel26;
Uint32 pixel27;
Uint32 pixel28;
Uint32 pixel29;
Uint32 pixel30;
Uint32 pixel31;
union colorCombo{
Uint32 colorValues;
Uint16 color1;
Uint8 color2;
Uint8 color3;
struct patternDat{
Uint8 scale;
Uint32 patternAddress;
Uint8 row;
colorCombo colors;
rawPattern rawDat;
Uint8 lookupIdx;
Uint16 index;
Uint16 displayID;
GLfloat brightness;
struct bitmapE{//GUI use
Uint32 patternAddress;
Uint32 bitmapID;
colorCombo colors;
rawPattern rawDat;
int x;
int y;
GLfloat brightness;
struct bitmapF{
Uint32 bitmapID;
colorCombo colors;
rawPattern rawDat;
int x;
int y;
GLfloat brightness;
bool isBg;
struct TileData{
vector<bitmapF> bitmapP;
int defaultID;
Uint32 patternAddress;
struct bmpInfo{
int width;
int height;
string filename;
//editing struct
struct screenTile{
bool isBg;
Uint32 patternAddress;
colorCombo colors;
rawPattern rawDat;
int x;
int y;
string tileName;
class video
SDL_Surface* Surf_Display;
bool initState;
int screenSizeOption;
int screenSizeWidth;
int screenSizeHeight;
clock_t lastClock;
clock_t clockPerFrame;
bool waitFrame;
//colour values
Uint32 colourList[64];
//opengl section
GLuint glProgID;
GLuint glProgIDSp1;
GLuint glProgIDSp2;
GLuint glVShader;
GLuint glVShaderSp1;
GLuint glVShaderSp2;
GLuint glPShader;
GLuint glPShaderSp1;
GLuint glPShaderSp2;
GLuint uniTexture;
GLuint uniXOffset;
GLuint uniFlagBG;
GLuint uniTextureSp1;
GLuint uniTextureSp2;
GLuint uniFlagSp1;
GLuint uniFlagSp2;
GLuint atrVectCoord;
GLuint atrTextCoord;
GLuint atrVectCoordSp1;
GLuint atrTextCoordSp1;
GLuint atrVectCoordSp2;
GLuint atrTextCoordSp2;
GLuint sampler;
GLuint xOffsetSampler;
GLuint flagSampler;
Uint8 bgColourID;
GLuint xOffsetTexture;
Uint8 bgXTexture[256];
GLuint flagsTextureT;
Uint8 flagsTexture[256];
Uint32 bgFill;
//data buffers
GLuint bgVBufferRef;
GLuint bgCBufferRef;
GLfloat* bgCBuffer;
GLfloat spTileDataBuffer[5760]; //240*8*3
GLuint spTileDataBufferRef;
Uint16 spPatCount;
GLuint spVBufferRef;
GLshort* spVBuffer;
GLuint spCBufferRef;
GLfloat* spCBuffer;
Uint32 bgGraphics[2048 * 512];
Uint32 spGraphics[2048 * 128];
std::vector<Uint32> bgList[256];
std::vector<Uint32> spList[256];
Uint16 bgCounter;
patternDat bgPatternData[BG_PATTERN_SIZE]; //33 * 240 * 4
patternDat spPatternData[SP_PATTERN_SIZE]; //64 * 16 * 4
Uint8 bgPatternInUse[BG_PATTERN_SIZE];
Uint8 spPatternInUse[SP_PATTERN_SIZE];
Uint16 minBgIdx;
Uint16 minSpIdx;
Uint16 maxBgIdx;
Uint16 maxSpIdx;
Uint16 blankBgIdx;
Uint16 blankSpIdx;
Uint8 useScaleIdx[5];
Uint16 lastPatID;
bool lastIsBg;
GLuint bgTextureRef;
GLuint spTextureRef;
bool capScreenFlag;
bool capDataFlag;
bool contCapFlag;
Uint8 contCapCounter;
Uint32 packSize;
//graphics pack data
vector<Uint8*> rawBits; //raw picture data
vector<bmpInfo> bmpInfos;
vector<TileData> tdata;
Uint32* packData;
Uint8 packScale;
bool usePack;
//pack edit data
Uint8 editRecordingType;
bool cutEdgeTiles;
bool chrRamMatch;
vector<TileData> etiledata;
Uint32* editData;
vector<TileData> allEtiledata;
Uint32* allEditData;
//screen values;
vector<string> screenNameList;
vector<string> screenFileNameList;
vector<screenTile> screenTiles; //new tiles in the current screen
vector<screenTile> allScreenTiles; //all tiles in the current screen
vector<string> capScreenQueue;
void initColour();
void initBuffer();
void initPatternArea();
GLuint make_sampler();
GLuint make_texture(GLuint width, GLuint height,void *buffer_data, GLuint type, GLint internalFormat, GLenum format, GLenum datatype);
GLuint make_buffer(GLenum target, const void *buffer_data, GLsizei buffer_size);
GLuint make_shader(GLenum type, const char *filename);
GLuint make_program(GLuint vertex_shader, GLuint fragment_shader);
void BuildPerspProjMat(float *m, float fov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar);
void update_texture(GLuint uniformID, GLuint textureRef, GLuint samplerRef, GLuint width, GLuint oy, GLuint ny, GLuint maxy, void *buffer_data, GLuint type, GLenum format, GLenum datatype, int textureUnitIndex);
void init();
void cleanUp();
bool getInitState();
void clearFrame();
void startFrame();
void displayFrame();
void clearScreenData();
//void setScanlineData();
void initScanlineData(Uint16 row);
void setBGStripData(Uint16 row, Uint8 bgID);
void setSPStripData(Uint16 row, Uint16 col, Uint8 spID);
void prepareTileData(bool isBg, Uint32 patternAddress, Uint8 row,
colorCombo colors, Uint8 patternByte0, Uint8 patternByte1, Uint32 ramAddress,
GLuint& decodedX, GLuint& decodedY, GLuint& patternScale, GLfloat& brightness);
void capScreen(bool useNative);
void saveScreenToPath(string path, bool useNative);
static int convertScreenCapToPNG(void* data);
void RefreshPackSize();
void ReadHiResPack();
void CleanHiResPack();
void SaveHiResPack();
void AddHiResImg(string filename);
void RemoveHiResImg(unsigned int pID);
void AddDarkMapping();
bool IsDarkerPalette(colorCombo color, colorCombo refColor);
bool IsDarkerColor(Uint16 color, Uint16 refColor);
GLfloat CalBrightnessValue(colorCombo color, colorCombo refColor);
string GetPaletteString(colorCombo color);
void ReadPackEdit();
void CleanPackEdit();
void SavePackEditScreen();
void OptimizePackEdit();
void RewritePackEdit();
void SavePackEditScreenList();
void SaveGraphics(string path);
void SaveBuffers(string path);
void SavePatterns(string path);
//config settings
void readConfig(string value);
void saveConfig(fstream* inifile);
Uint32 BgRender[30][35];
void saveBG(string path);