2024-01-28 19:56:54 -05:00

131 lines
3.5 KiB

#include "types.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "romdir.h"
#include "btconf.h"
IopBootInfo* gBootInfo = (IopBootInfo*)0x20000;
* @brief The entrypoint of the IOPBOOT module, which bootstraps the IOP kernel
* @param ram_size The size of the IOP's RAM, in megabytes.
* @param boot_info This gets used to load IOPBTCONFx, where x is boot_info's value
* @param udnl_cmd The command line, usually NULL on retail PS2s
void _entry(int ram_size, int boot_info, char* udnl_cmd, int unk)
// Disable interrupts
asm volatile("mtc0 $0,$12");
// The IOP kernel can only access a maximum of 2MBs of RAM
if (ram_size > 2)
ram_size = 2;
// In the real IOPBOOT, the stack pointer is set to the end of RAM here
// This structure is used to pass around some boot info
gBootInfo->cmd_ptr = 0;
gBootInfo->structEnd = 0x20020;
gBootInfo->ram_size = ram_size;
gBootInfo->boot_info = boot_info;
if (udnl_cmd)
// Copy the command line to just past the structure
gBootInfo->cmd_ptr = ((char*)gBootInfo+sizeof(IopBootInfo));
strcpy(((char*)gBootInfo+sizeof(IopBootInfo)), udnl_cmd);
size_t cmdlen = strlen(udnl_cmd);
// 8 byte align the struct's end
gBootInfo->structEnd += ((cmdlen + 8) & 0xfffffffc);
RomDir romDir;
if (!SearchForRomDir((void*)0xbfc00000, (void*)0xbfc10000, &romDir))
// If we can't find any ROMDIR entries, just crash
do {} while(1);
// One of IOPBTCONF entries
char configName[48];
strcpy(configName, "IOPBTCONF");
configName[9] = boot_info + '0'; // This means we load IOPBTCONFx, where x is boot_info
RomDirEnt btconf;
if (!FindRomDirEnt(&romDir, configName, &btconf))
// If IOPBTCONFx doesn't exist, load IOPBTCONF
configName[9] = 0;
strcpy(configName, "IOPBTCONF");
if (!FindRomDirEnt(&romDir, configName, &btconf))
do {} while (1);
int moduleCount = 0;
// Now we parse this list, which tells us which modules to load
// The name ptr is 10 bytes, followed by 2 bytes for ext_info_size
// At 0xC is the file size, so we can dereference that and add it to the file ptr to get the end
char* end = btconf.filePtr + *(unsigned int*)((char*)btconf.name + 0xc);
char* buf = (char*)btconf.filePtr;
while (buf < end)
// skip whitespace
while (*buf < ' ') buf++;
// New entry, non-whitespace
gBootInfo->numModules = moduleCount;
int moduleLoadAddr = 0;
buf = (char*)btconf.filePtr;
// Following the IopBootInfo struct is a list of addresses to be loaded
unsigned int* endOfStructPtr = (unsigned int*)gBootInfo->structEnd;
RomDirEnt toLoad;
while (buf < end)
char c = *buf;
// '@' characters are used to specify the module load offset
if (c == '@')
moduleLoadAddr = ParseLoadAddr(&buf);
// Either used to include other BTCONF files
// Or used to call a function somewhere in memory
else if (c == '!')
// BUG: The PS2 BIOS doesn't support !includes, at least on scph10000
if (strncmp(buf, "!addr", 6) == 0)
buf += 6;
*endOfStructPtr = ParseLoadAddr(&buf) * 4 + 1;
*endOfStructPtr = 0;
else if (c != '#')
// Find the module to be loaded
void* ret = FindRomDirEnt(&romDir, buf, &toLoad);
if (!ret)
return 1;
*endOfStructPtr = toLoad.filePtr;
*endOfStructPtr = 0;
if (buf > end) break;
// Skip trailing whitespace
if (*buf < ' ') break;
} while (buf < end);
if (0x1f < *buf) break;
} while (buf < end);
// Now we've got a list of addresses following IopBootInfo, terminated with a 0 word
// Load them, in order